Har du full koll på de dolda kostnaderna för era programvarulicenser? Och har ditt företag total överblick över den faktiska användningen och statusen på alla licenser för alla era lösningar: mobila, desktop, datacenter och moln? Om svaret är ”nej” skulle Snow Software potentiellt kunna sänka era årliga programvarukostnader med upp till 30 %.

Hur vi kan veta det? Därför att våra experter på licenshantering redan åstadkommit just detta för hundratals ledande företag över hela världen. Baserat på djupgående kunskap i licenshantering, börjar vi med en objektiv analys av er IT-miljö. Därefter visar vi hur ni kan optimera era licenser, minska er riskexponering och implementera mer kostnadseffektiva licenshanteringsprocesser i hela er organisation.

Lär dig mer om hur du kan minska era kostnader och risker med Snow Software.

Ladda ner tjänstebeskrivning

Article 1

Today's workers use smartphones, tables and laptops from wherever they are - at home, on the move or in the office. Users are more flexible in the jobs they undertake - often crossing job roles and thus requiring software that pevious generations would never have touched. But how is it possible to balance these growing user demands and at the same tiem ensure the company is not exposed to license liability?

Article 2

Today's workers use smartphones, tables and laptops from wherever they are - at home, on the move or in the office. Users are more flexible in the jobs they undertake - often crossing job roles and thus requiring software that pevious generations would never have touched. But how is it possible to balance these growing user demands and at the same tiem ensure the company is not exposed to license liability?

Article 3

Today's workers use smartphones, tables and laptops from wherever they are - at home, on the move or in the office. Users are more flexible in the jobs they undertake - often crossing job roles and thus requiring software that pevious generations would never have touched. But how is it possible to balance these growing user demands and at the same tiem ensure the company is not exposed to license liability?

Article 4

Today's workers use smartphones, tables and laptops from wherever they are - at home, on the move or in the office. Users are more flexible in the jobs they undertake - often crossing job roles and thus requiring software that pevious generations would never have touched. But how is it possible to balance these growing user demands and at the same tiem ensure the company is not exposed to license liability?

Article 5

Today's workers use smartphones, tables and laptops from wherever they are - at home, on the move or in the office. Users are more flexible in the jobs they undertake - often crossing job roles and thus requiring software that pevious generations would never have touched. But how is it possible to balance these growing user demands and at the same tiem ensure the company is not exposed to license liability?

Article 6

Today's workers use smartphones, tables and laptops from wherever they are - at home, on the move or in the office. Users are more flexible in the jobs they undertake - often crossing job roles and thus requiring software that pevious generations would never have touched. But how is it possible to balance these growing user demands and at the same tiem ensure the company is not exposed to license liability?

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