L'avenir du Software Asset Management est à votre porte. Faites connaissance avec Snow License Manager 8, une plate-forme SAM qui permet de gérer les licences et d'optimiser les logiciels d'une organisation en proposant plus de transparence, de meilleures prévisions et un reporting plus efficace. 

Notre plate-forme SAM nouvelle génération peut se targuer de proposer d'incroyables nouvelles fonctionnalités qui permettent aux organisations de générer, immédiatement et à l'avenir, davantage de valeur à partir de leurs programmes SAM.

Snow License Manager 8 assiste votre organisation dans les domaines suivants :

  • Optimisation des datacenters – Faites des économies dans les datacenters et facilitez la gestion des systèmes complexes de licensing
  • Transparence de la consommation logicielle –  Disposez d'une visibilité totale de votre utilisation logicielle et optimisez avec succès vos actifs logiciels
  • Intégration complète avec les technologies d'IBM - Gérez directement le licensing PVU 
  • Management Financier – Obtenez une vision globale de l'investissement et de la conformité pour chaque famille de produits
  • Management facilité des différentes versions logicielles -  Accédez à une vision globale de votre investissement, de votre risque de conformité et de vos dépassements de budget
  • Prévisions et tendances – Comprendre les tendances, les prévisions et sécuriser votre investissement logiciel
  • Tableaux de bord enrichis et Management du Reporting – Obtenez toutes les informations dont vous avez besoin en un clic, en un clin d'oeil. 
Visitez notre blog et regardez notre série de vidéos sur les incroyables nouvelles fonctionnalités de Snow License Manager 8.

Article 1

Today's workers use smartphones, tables and laptops from wherever they are - at home, on the move or in the office. Users are more flexible in the jobs they undertake - often crossing job roles and thus requiring software that pevious generations would never have touched. But how is it possible to balance these growing user demands and at the same tiem ensure the company is not exposed to license liability?

Article 2

Today's workers use smartphones, tables and laptops from wherever they are - at home, on the move or in the office. Users are more flexible in the jobs they undertake - often crossing job roles and thus requiring software that pevious generations would never have touched. But how is it possible to balance these growing user demands and at the same tiem ensure the company is not exposed to license liability?

Article 3

Today's workers use smartphones, tables and laptops from wherever they are - at home, on the move or in the office. Users are more flexible in the jobs they undertake - often crossing job roles and thus requiring software that pevious generations would never have touched. But how is it possible to balance these growing user demands and at the same tiem ensure the company is not exposed to license liability?

Article 4

Today's workers use smartphones, tables and laptops from wherever they are - at home, on the move or in the office. Users are more flexible in the jobs they undertake - often crossing job roles and thus requiring software that pevious generations would never have touched. But how is it possible to balance these growing user demands and at the same tiem ensure the company is not exposed to license liability?

Article 5

Today's workers use smartphones, tables and laptops from wherever they are - at home, on the move or in the office. Users are more flexible in the jobs they undertake - often crossing job roles and thus requiring software that pevious generations would never have touched. But how is it possible to balance these growing user demands and at the same tiem ensure the company is not exposed to license liability?

Article 6

Today's workers use smartphones, tables and laptops from wherever they are - at home, on the move or in the office. Users are more flexible in the jobs they undertake - often crossing job roles and thus requiring software that pevious generations would never have touched. But how is it possible to balance these growing user demands and at the same tiem ensure the company is not exposed to license liability?


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